Written by Rosemary Sullivan
Illustrated by Colleen Sullivan
Live music Juan Opitz
48 pages (CD with music and narration included) 8" x 10"
Molito is an endearing mole born in the 'Underground.' Most moles see poorly but Molito is born with perfect eyesight, making him very unusual. And he loves to drum. Follow Molito as he learns from a local ant about the 'Upperworld' and join in his adventures as he sets out to discover it. Along the way he makes friends but must make a very hard decision about which world he belongs to.
Written by Ida J. Lewenstein
Illustrated by Colleen Sullivan
12 pages 11" x 8.5"
This is the story of a sad little dog who wishes he were big and powerful. He meets an encouraging frog who gives him back his confidence.
Written by Ida J. Lewenstein
Illustrated by Colleen Sullivan
28 pages 11" x 8.5"
Clocks have been ticking for ages. But one day a young clock wishes to make a difference in the world. He searches for something unique for which he can be proud. He finally finds it. But is it really about what he finds or about something else?
Written by Ida J. Lewenstein
Illustrated by Colleen Sullivan
28 pages 11" x 8.5"
Clocks have been ticking for ages. But one day a young clock wishes to make a difference in the world. He searches for something unique for which he can be proud. He finally finds it. But is it really about what he finds or about something else?
Illustrated by Colleen Sullivan
Written by unknown
A little frog is mesmerized by the moon although he has no idea what it is and why it is up in the sky. He tries everything to understand it without success until it one day the moon comes to him. What does he discover? Find out.
Illustrated by Colleen Sullivan
Written by unknown
Mrs. McFardle loves the roses in her garden. But one night something happens to her roses and they disappear. She is devastated. She looks everywhere but finally gives up. When word gets around about Mrs. McFardle's loss, various characters bring every single one of them back to her. When she is reunited with her roses, Mrs. McFardle is so delighted that she throws a great party and invites everyone, including the roses!